Thursday, June 24, 2010

MS Camp & HS Mission Camp 2010

About this time a week ago 33 of us were 4 days into one of those "mountain top" experiences like Matthew 17 where we felt closer to God and to each other than we had just a few short days ago. This time last week I was headed to a youth pastor's meeting where we shared with each other the weeks victories and defeats. Last week students from our ministry took big steps in their faith. For some it was releasing a burden they had been carrying to a leader who could pray for them and allow God to begin to heal them. For others it was an appreciation of health in contrast to the kids we served through mission camp. For some it was the unity that had developed amongst peers that were previously disconnected. Some students were moved by songs like "Lose it all" and "We All" and decided to swap the music they jam in their headphones from songs that dragged them down to songs that lifted God up. Others totally surrendered their lives to Christ and asked for Him to make their dead bodies alive in Him.

I am sure that once home some students shared every moment with their parents sparing no details while others left their parents wondering if their child had even gone. Rest assured that every student left changed in some way whether they express it or not. Something impacted them. At the end of that youth pastor's meeting the speaker David Rhodes shared that he wanted to celebrate and encourage those students who are connected to Christ but maybe don't feel like their journey has amounted to anything yet. He wanted them to know that although we may feel like the seemingly worthless biblical character Epaphroditus we read about in Philippians 2, our devotion to remain in God's love and be faithful with the little things is worthy of celebration even if those around us think it is pointless. That is just what we did in a big way. I can say that David's message that night, the worship time that followed and the time our kids spent encouraging each other and me later that night was a highlight of my week.

To all my fellow campers: Thanks for all the awesome moments of brokenness, excitement, laughter and celebration that you allowed me to be a part of. Thanks for being patient with each other as we navigated the treacherous paths of relationships and thanks for not judging me as I walked around camp singing "Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh..."

To all the parents: Thanks for trusting us with your most valuable possession. I pray that your children with live lives passionately connected with Christ as a result of every event, phone call and conversation that we as youth leaders are blessed to be a part of. Thanks for your patience and support as we attempt to partner with you to draw your kids closer to Christ.

In Him,

PS: If you want to stay connected this summer, check out the Wednesday Bible Study we are hosting at the Hub. Go to and then click the Bible Study link for more details.

Friday, June 18, 2010

My Favorite Part of Student Life 2010

So, the trip is over and everyone is home and I'm not even sure this blog will get checked again until the next trip we go on, but I felt compelled to share my favorite moment from student life camp.

On Thursday night after a huge celebration service we went back to our church group time and began to discuss the fact that we were leaving to go home the next day. What happened next was amazing, all of our students began to discuss ways, very practical ways, that they could continue to live out their faith once they got home, back into the real world. They realized that it is easy to live out their faith at a Christian camp where you can walk up to people and say "Fist bump for Jesus!" but back in the real world, at school, at work, or even at home that doesn't always fly. The rest of the world doesn't respond the same way. So the students came up with all these practical ways they could live out their faith, it was like a huge brainstorming session and while they were discussing Todd began writing down all their ideas. They asked themselves the question "why not me, why not now?"

I can't wait to hear about how these words on this board turn into real, tangible actions.

A.J. Viola
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Red Rumble!

Here's a shot of the Red Rumble team that our middle schoolers were a part of this week. This is just after our activity time where Brett, our team leader leads us in a devotional. These activity times have been some of the most apparent times where I've seen our middle schoolers bond and become united. It has been a really cool time.

A.J. Viola
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Last night's worship

Here is a pic of Rush of Fools rocking out as we prepared to learn how
God calls us to RELATE to Him and each other. Why not me? Why not now?

Camp day 4

Just getting ready for the last full day of camp. Found four girls
waiting to go to quiet time. Apparently it doesn't feel good to get
poked in the eye... -Todd


Todd and Molly did not plan to be twins today, but you know what they say about great minds. Not sure if that applies here, but here ya go.

A.J. Viola
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Middle school guys!

Here's the middle school guys out in front of the wake forest university cafeteria before our soaked activity day.

A.J. Viola
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Rush of Fools

Here's a quick, blurry peak of Rush of Fools leading worship this morning.

A.J. Viola
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Camp Day 3

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Student Life 2010 Day 2 Wrap Up

Wow! What a day. Today was filled with worship, teaching and heat, more specifically sweat (at least for the middle school guys group). While the high schoolers were at their mission sites the middle schoolers hit the fields for recreation time. We played all kinds of games that were focused on team building, it was great. Our recreation time tomorrow is called soaked, so I guess you can imagine what that means, yup, no hope whatsoever of not getting wet. So that should be exciting!
After dinner and the 2nd fire alarm that went off in the girls dorms (nothing serious I promise) we headed to a really powerful time of worship and a message that connected with everyone listening, not just the students. Some tears were shed and emotions were high, but most of all the spirit of God was alive in that place. God's presence was present and the room was filled with music and prayer. It was awesome to see these students respond to God. Lifepointe's mission is to help people connect with God, I can promise you, students did tonight.
So after Eddie leading us in some individual and group trust falls, we are in our rooms and going to try to get some sleep for another long, but exciting day. Peace.

A.J. Viola
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Camp Day 2

We just finished up dinner and are getting ready for our small group
Bible studies. We are going to explore Ephesians 2:8-9 & Acts 3:19 and
ask ourselves what we need to REPENT from to grow toward God. Just thought I would attach a picture of the chapel we are having worship in so you could get a feel for the campus. The girls dorm is just to the right of the chapel and the dining hall and guys dorm are both behind me. -Todd

Mission camp lunch break

The high schoolers have been working hard cleaning toys and chairs,
stuffing envelopes and filing papers at an amazing childrens center
for physically disabled kids. We took a break to eat lunch and play
some spoons. Back to main camp this afternoon to join the rest of the
crew. It's great to see these teens living out 1 John 3:16.

Camp day 2

We starting to get into the routine of camp. Already had breakfast,
quiet times and fit in a little ultimate frisbee. Reading Zechariah
1:3 and asking what do we need to RETURN from as we run back to our
God who never left us?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Student Life Camp: End of Day 1

A.J. here. It's 11:45PM and all of the middle and high school boys are actually in their beds with lights out, surprised? Me too! it's been a crazy day so far, from sun and heat to monsoon like rains, but their is no doubt that God is moving in this place. I'm excited to see how God works in the lives of these students this week, as well as in me. I will mostly be hanging out with the middle school guys, so my posts may seem pretty random, but it should be fun.

A.J. Viola
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday - Camp Day 1

Thirty three excited students and leaders made it safe and sound to Wake Forest University today for the start of Student Life Camp 2010. Rush of Fools are some great musicians who love the Lord and David Rhodes is doing a great job connecting the Word with our everyday lives. Can't wait to see how we all RESPOND to the message. If you want to follow the study we are doing here, read Micah 6:8 and ask yourself how you will respond to God's call.
- Todd