Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rebelution Rising

This spring we will be focusing our attention on how exactly to live the life that God calls us to live. Inspired by the book "Do Hard Things" by Alex and Brett Harris, we will be starting a journey of teenage rebellion against low expectations to strive for the standards that Christ sets for us. We can't wait to see you at Fuel each Sunday night from 6-8PM at the Hub.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New School Year

It has been a great summer with lots of fun times. I am excited that our weekly youth group is starting back up in a few weeks. I can't wait to hang out with the whole group again this Fall as we dig back into God's word and grow together in our relationship with Christ. There is a lot of new stuff on the horizon so keep your eyes peeled.

(You might also check out our youtube page for highlights of the mission trip and other funny videos - www.youtube.com/lifepointeyouth)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

MT08 - Day 9

God was certainly in this place with us! We closed out our trip with a prayer of thanksgiving for the many blessings He has poured out on our lives and a plea for Him to reign in our hearts as well as those we ministered to. We left the house at 1:00PM and headed back to our normal lives filled with a renewed heart for worship. We can't wait to see all our families waiting for us at home!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

MT08 - Day 8

What a relaxing day. Whether it was soaking up rays, playing guitar, riding in the boat, reading a book or playing on the dock the MT08 team lived right today. We closed out a fun day with a powerful night of worship and encouragement. 

Tomorrow we plan to get up, finish our encouragement time, eat lunch and then hit the road around 1:00. We should arrive at the Hub around 5:30PM tomorrow afternoon so be looking for a call from your team members to let you know the exact time. 

MT08 - The Lakehouse

We are all here, rested and ready for a day of fun and relaxation. Most of us are awake and eating our first hot breakfast of the trip right now while Boat Captain Perry, First Mate Daren and Deck Hand Dan R get the craft seaworthy and in the water. More later today.

Friday, July 11, 2008

MT08 - Rock Stars

The mission trip team is famous. Canadian 'rock star' Victor Crowl invited us to be in the background of his so called music video. I think the crew was actually on candid camera... 

(If I get pix I will upload them later...)

MT08 - Day 7

It was a good day to say goodbye to "The Big Easy." We woke early, finished packing the vans, ate our last so called continental breakfast, and headed down to the French Quarter. We met up with some students from a local youth group, "The Upper Room," and handed out hygiene kits to homeless. This was way outside the comfort zone of most of our students. I was so impressed to watch them approach, talk to and pray with complete strangers!

We all met up after that for some fun in the oldest part of the city. A few went shopping but most went down to ride the ferry across the river. Since we missed the boat by a few minutes w

e turned into the the New Orleans Aquarium for some much needed AC. We had fun petting the sharks and rays and watching the otters and penguins. After a short walk, a little confusion and short line we were sitting down in Cafe Maspero for some cajan cookin'. We polished lunch off with some beignets from Cafe Dumonde, then loaded up and headed to Lake Hartwell.

It was a marathon drive with a stop for dinner, shopping for groceries and a bleary eyed search for the house through "The Mist." It was exciting to arrive at 3:00AM last night to our fantasy lake estate. What a sweet pad! After some early morning footsball we crashed for the night.

MT08 - "The Reeds"

I wanted to take a second to honor two guys on this trip that you may not know. Kevin and Dan Reed have joined our group all the way from Maryland and, despite not knowing anyone, have fit right in. They have been such a blessing for me as the leader because they selflessly do everything you need before you ever ask. They each have huge servant hearts and have been invaluable to our team.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

MT08 - Day 6

Today was the end of our regularly scheduled programing. We led the VBS for the last time this morning and said goodbye to our new little friends after lunch. It was pretty touching to see the way they surrounded our team and held on for dear life. I literally had to pry kids off of some of our team members. As I reflected on the VBS, I noted that the kids moved from standing like lumps on day one to dancing with us in worship on day four. They could recite back the virtues and obviously thrived on the attention that we had given them. The only thing that didn't change was the insane noise level when they ate lunch. I wished we had brought along our own "sa-kur-ity." I want to give a shout out to Sommer because the leaders at this program were blown away by our planning and execution of the VBS.

We also finished our work project today. The team finished insulating the entire house and installed sheetrock in about 70% of the ceilings. It was an amazing feat for a crew that had little experience. The owner was very appreciative as it brought him one step closer to helping his daughter move back to the city with her family. 

After we ate dinner and chilled at the hotel we all ran up the road to a little "snow ball" (like a high end snow cone) stand and then walked over the levy to Lake Pontchartrain for a stroll on the beach. I was amazed to see Ryan surfing the epic waves on his salvage surfboard. 

It was a great day! This has been so much fun for me and I can't wait until tomorrow. I am so thankful to have such a great group to pastor. - Todd 

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

MT08 - Day 5B

What happens when you mix our MT08 team with another youth group, a bunch of really good food, lots of sugar, a significant amount of sleep depravation, a very small room and an ailing AC unit? You get an awesome youth led service where God was praised and everyone left with a big smile. Our students led worship, gave testimonies and presented a message of grace to a group of their peers with a quality that left me in awe. The coolest part is that many of the students from the new orleans youth group agreed to meet us on Friday to help minister to the homeless downtown.

MT08 - Day 5A

I am sitting in the van waiting for the group to finish getting cleaned up from a third day at the work project. I want you to know that each student and leader on this trip has put in everything they have without grumbling. Parents, you should be proud of your kids right now! Well, Jennifer, Hannah & Lauren might have gotten into a little bit of trouble...

MT08 - Devo 4 (Tues Night)

The Chistian walk is not easy. It reminds me of a running a race. I was a runner in high school and had a joke with my teammates that around the 300m mark of the 400m dash it felt like someone threw a refrigerator on your back. We called that feeling "The Fridge." It was the time in the race where you either won or lost. Similarly the Christian walk takes perseverance to win the race.
Luke 9:23
Phil 3:15-16 (MSG)
2 Tim 4:7-8

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

MT08 - Day 4B

It is almost midnight and we are all sitting around seeing who can do the most random things. I have seen all kinds of stuff including touching your tongue to your nose, an intense look called dragon nostrils, something that can only be described as a rock on a stick and a unique talent of braiding your toe hairs. All of this was spurred by an impromptu ice cream party after a creepy shopping trip and a few laps around the pool. We had a nice evening meal and devo down at Matt's Place. It was a rush to get to dinner because we worked so long into the evening. Most of us worked on the drywall and insulation at the house while a few others mowed grass at BBC's office. Both projects made significant progress. The VBS was fun today as we started to develop relationships with the kids. All of the MT08 team was on their A game today despite an obvious level of exhaustion.

MT08 - Day 4A

We are all up and ready for another day. Breakfast definitely leaves a little to be desired and the bags under our eyes are prevalent. Off to VBS. Enjoy the pix. More later...

Monday, July 7, 2008

MT08 - Devo 3 (Mon Night)

God calls us to spread his message to all those in need. He will do the watering.
Matthew 13

MT08 - Day 3

What a day! It was a life lesson in flexibility. We started with Todd being late again (TM's fault), taking wrong turns (JC's fault) and found that the VBS kids arrived an hour later than we were told (?'s fault). The skits were stupendous (DH, DH, RM & HK's fault), the dances were delightful (LB, LB, TH, DH, BM, CW's fault), snacks were succulent (BM & TM's fault), games were great ( DC, LB, DR's fault ), crafts were creative ( JC, HR, CW's fault), and the word was wonderfully worth while (PC, LB, KR's fault). Eddie and Deanna arrived just in time for the closing scene (Pilot's fault). The whole program allowed us to really connect with the kids (MTo8 Team's fault)

After lunch, we arrived at the work project (GPS's fault) and started hanging insulation (Home Depot's fault). There was a lesson on hanging insulation (TF's fault) and drywall (Arthur's fault), a general lack of tools (planning's fault) but a great attitude which helped us cope with the heat (global warming's fault).

We got our grub on and then bounced to the shelter. Everyone was a bit nervous walking in but our fears were calmed when we realized we were all there together looking for a safe haven. We spent the evening in a chapel service sharing the gospel of Jesus. The band played, Hannah & Danielle shared amazing messages and we all felt God's presence during "Amazing Grace" as the people sang along. The team served dinner and the shelter guests shared their stories with us afterwards. It was a great day that left us exhusted! 

Seriously, I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of this group (God's fault).

Comments Welcome

Just a note to you following our trip: I am sharing your comments with the students each day so if you want to share, click comment below any one of the specific posts. - Todd

Sunday, July 6, 2008

MT08 Devo 2 - (Sun Night)

On a mission trip we know that we will get stressed, tired and weary. It is those times that our true personality's tend to come out. Our attitude is clearly communicated through our actions and speaks louder than words. The way we present ourselves to those we are ministering to (anyone we come in contact with) is critical to them hearing the message of Christ.
1 Peter 4:9-10 MSG
Gal 5:22-23A
Pr 15:30

MT08 - Day 2 (Montgomery AL to New Orleans LA)

We got out to a good start and carried our momentum all the way through dinner. After an uneventful ride filled with much silliness and lots of bridges (sorry Lauren E) we arrived in New Orleans to get our first look at the city. We met our group contact from BBC, Arthur,
and his friend Kim for a tour of east New Orleans and the lower 9th Ward. It was unsettling to see the massive destruction left by the flooding and the poverty that people were living in three years after the storm. Once back and checked into our hotel, we enjoyed some free time and a fierce game of guesstures before we headed out to get dinner and supplies. We finished up the evening with a devotional and prepared for our VBS skits, dances, crafts, games & snacks.

Many of us were blessed to see God working in a young ladies heart at the grocery store as we checked out tonight. A conversation about where we were from and what were we doing here led to an invitation to bring her daughter to the VBS in the morning. We gave he directions and encouraged her to join us only half anticipating her to be there in the morning. As it turns out she stopped by with her daughter, Lovely, at 9:30PM as we were leaving just to make sure she had everything she needed. We also had a chance to invite a fifth grade boy in the parking lot of the Winn Dixie so please pray for them to come tomorrow and experience the life changing message of Jesus. - Todd

(Pix Pending - Check it later)

MT08 - Devo 1 (Sat Night)

On a mission trip it is easy to get caught up in the task and miss out on the goal. Our goal is to move ourselves and others closer to a passionate realationship with Christ.To do that we need to focus on one life at a time.
Philippians 3:13-14
Matthew 18:12 NLT
Luke 4:40 MSG

Saturday, July 5, 2008

MT08 - Day 1 (Raleigh NC to Montgomery AL)

Today kicks off the beginning of MTO8! Whoohoo!! After getting off to a slow start (due to an alarm clock malfunction) we started our journey to the bayou! The following include a few of the highlights from our journey: a game of tetris to pack the vans, hospital stories and embarrassing moments to pass the time, two stops for the bathroom before lunch, a lovely lunch at Wendy's and a camera dropped in the toilet. Setting off again after lunch we headed south to drop off the boat for later. After an hour detour, one less vehicle and another bathroom stop we were on our way again. Our caravan travelled through constant construction and multiple thunderstorms while constantly questioning, "Woah, what is the speed limit here?" For dinner we stopped at Zaxby's for some kickin' chicken and general merriment. Mixed in the fun of the day were random photos with people we met along the way including one picture with three policemen... ;) We weren't in trouble no worries! Regardless of the unavoidable setbacks, MT08 has gotten off to an FANTABULOUS start! Tonight we will check in to the hotel in SWEET HOME ALABAMA. We will be belting that tune soon enough! After we settle ourselves into the Comfort Inn we will betraining together in our reserved conference room and then off to bed - Love, The Girls' Van (+ Ryan & Todd)


Friday, July 4, 2008

MT08 Update - 1 Day Left

Well, its almost here. As we prepare to embark on my inaugural mission trip as the Youth Pastor at Lifepointe I am proud to say that this is not how I feel! God has truly answered prayers for guidance and peace. I hope that you had as great a 4th of July as I did relaxing with family. See you bright and early tomorrow morning at the Hub.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

MT08 Kinderchuck Donation

The MT08 Team would like to thank Dr. Don Kindrachuk for a generous donation of toothbrushes and toothpaste for us to put in out hygiene kits which we will hand out on Friday July 11th in downtown New Orleans. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

MT08 Update - 4 Days Left

With only 4 days left I wanted to give everyone a revised copy of the itinerary and a packing list. Make sure you bring what you need but also try to pack light. Everyone on the team will play a part in pulling this thing off so please be preparing for your portion of the VBS or worship services now.     -Todd

MT08 Shopping Day

With only 5 days left there was still a lot to be of stuff to be purchased. Thanks to Hallie & Hannah for jumping in and showing off their shopping skills. When we were done it was impressive to see a receipt that measured over 2 feet long and contained 160 items. We are still in need of a few items so please let me know if you can help. 

1. Polaroid camera or USB photo printer for crafts (To be returned)
2. Functional, small, battery operated CD player boom box (To be returned)
3. 2 old lamp shades that you don't want back

Sunday, June 29, 2008

MT08 Prayer Team

On behalf of the MT08 team I would like to thank everyone who partnered with us and committed to pray for a student. We need to constantly be reminded that our success is rooted not in our own strength but in the one who created us. Phil 4:13 says it like this: "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."

Friday, June 27, 2008

MT08 Team Cleaning Frosty!

Frosty needed a face lift, so the Mission Trip Team came to the rescue. We all met at the Campi's house at 10am. Frosty was disgusting on the inside and out. Ryan suggested that we start on the inside because it was so hot. While Todd and us (Caroline and Lauren #1) were on our hands and knees scrubbing the inside, Dan C and Ryan were in the hot sun washing the outside. The nastiest thing found was the melted ice cream sandwich stuck to the floor. Finally we finished and were able to cool off and have a drink. Thanks Lifepointe for your financial support of our trip. Check out the pictures posted! 
- Caroline and Lauren #1


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

MT08 Update - 11 Days Left

I had a great time with you guys on Sunday. I hope that you got the importance of our spiritual preparation for our trip and want to encourage you to spend some time with God in the coming days. 

Here is a small quiet time that you can go through if you need something to jump start you.
1. Make sure you can dedicate about 10 minutes to this before you start. If you need to wait a little bit to come back to it, thats ok.
2. Check out this video. Watch the entire thing. Click HERE.
3. This is a verse that is often over used but how about reading it again and thinking about what kind of relationship that God offers you in light of the video. Click HERE to see the verse.
4. Re-read it again or use another translation and meditate for a few minutes on what it is saying. Spend time listening to God.
5. Thank God for the free gift He offers you. Pray for God to work in your heart to remove anything that is keeping Him from you. Pray that God will work through this trip and put Himself at the the center of your life.
6. Email me and let me know if this moved you.

Now lets talk about the physical preparation. I need 2 groups to help prepare for our trip.
1. On Friday at 10:00 lets meet at the Campi's to wash Frosty as a thank you to the church for donating money from the church mission fund to help offset our trip.
2. Next Tuesday at noon we will meet for lunch and then go shopping for the trip.
Let me know where you can help. 

Monday, June 23, 2008

MT08 Training Day

We had a great time on Sunday night getting ready for the trip. There was a time of spiritual preparation in which we discussed a few verses (Mt 20:26-28, Mt 22:36-40 & Rom 5:8) as well as prayed in small groups for specific items of the trip. We also got into the details of the trip and discussed the itinerary including the worship services and street missions. Sommer led us through the VBS materials and we broke into teams to practice skits and iron out the details. 

Our post meeting plan to have ice cream at Goodberrys was thwarted by a late evening thunderstorm so we scooted on over to Bojangles instead. Thanks to everyone who took time out of their evening to join us and to Sommer for all her hard work with the VBS curriculum.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Thanks for stopping by the new blog for the Lifepointe Youth. I set this up to help those who are not going on the mission trip to stay in touch with those that are going. Keep your eye on it over the next few weeks and we will keep you up to date on what we are doing. - Todd