Monday, July 7, 2008

MT08 - Day 3

What a day! It was a life lesson in flexibility. We started with Todd being late again (TM's fault), taking wrong turns (JC's fault) and found that the VBS kids arrived an hour later than we were told (?'s fault). The skits were stupendous (DH, DH, RM & HK's fault), the dances were delightful (LB, LB, TH, DH, BM, CW's fault), snacks were succulent (BM & TM's fault), games were great ( DC, LB, DR's fault ), crafts were creative ( JC, HR, CW's fault), and the word was wonderfully worth while (PC, LB, KR's fault). Eddie and Deanna arrived just in time for the closing scene (Pilot's fault). The whole program allowed us to really connect with the kids (MTo8 Team's fault)

After lunch, we arrived at the work project (GPS's fault) and started hanging insulation (Home Depot's fault). There was a lesson on hanging insulation (TF's fault) and drywall (Arthur's fault), a general lack of tools (planning's fault) but a great attitude which helped us cope with the heat (global warming's fault).

We got our grub on and then bounced to the shelter. Everyone was a bit nervous walking in but our fears were calmed when we realized we were all there together looking for a safe haven. We spent the evening in a chapel service sharing the gospel of Jesus. The band played, Hannah & Danielle shared amazing messages and we all felt God's presence during "Amazing Grace" as the people sang along. The team served dinner and the shelter guests shared their stories with us afterwards. It was a great day that left us exhusted! 

Seriously, I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of this group (God's fault).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awsome update(key board's fault).. It's great to hear the things that God is doing to make this a memerable experience on many fronts. Wish I was there to share... Praying for you all many times through the day. These purple reminders are great. I put mine on my right hand so that it would be a continual reminder to lift you all up. Hang in there!!!

Go God!!

-Craig Crump