Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MT09 - Tuesday - Day 3

This update is brought to you by Hallie, Dean, and Dan the man with a plan who came here in a van from Japan ;](later replaced by Maureen and joined by Sam) As we embarked on the third day of our sick-nasty conquest we encountered several tremendously gargantuan boulders, putrid smelly septic tanks, and mountain-made hot-dogs.

Team Orange, building a retaining wall, experienced lots of rocks and dump truck loads of dirt. The man whose retaining wall we are building, told us more about himself and how life is in the Appalachian Mountains. Tanner finally conquered his arch nemesis boulder and we found the worlds most remote taco bell :).

Team Purple is working under a trailer putting in footers and foundation. It poured on our tiny heads and Jennifer did her rain dance to Brittany Spears. :/ Unloading cinder blocks and 80-pound cement bags were labor intensive. Jennifer also cut rebar with a skill-saw, screaming the whole way! Our trailer owner came and spoke with us while we worked.

Team Yellow, more digging! Lots of rocks, lots of dirt, lots of fun. They got to talk to their family a lot more. The father came out of his shell and gave them lessons on how to dig West Virginia style. Massive productivity improvements followed. Sam and Eddie showed their lack of teeter totter skills, kittens attacked the crew, and they scarfed down some mountain chili dogs.

[Todd is taking over the blog now] We finished the night off with an amazing worship lead by our teens for the entire group (80 people), ice cream, and good fun. Tomorrow a few of our students are going to lead a devotion for the group (LB1, LB2, HK, SK & TW). I can't tell you how proud I am of them. They are doing more than just rebelling. They are living the life they were meant to live. I can't wait to see what happens as the week moves on. Thank you to all those who supported us and made this possible.


Carolyn said...

Tell Lauren we lost the meet by 30 some points :( We miss her very much and are praying for all of you!!

Brenda said...

Absolutely LOVED the verbal reenactment of today's events!!! Hallie, Dean and Dan the man with a plan who came (there) in a van from Japan did an amazing job articulating and I am sure the kids were thrilled to find the Taco Bell!!!! :) LOL

The whole team is an amazing body and I am praying for you all daily!!

Can't wait to read tomorrow's post! Please tell Tanner I love him infinitely (and his team won last night) :) Thanks!!!!