Dear Diary,
Today was like TOTALLY a bueno dia! We spent the day chillin' w/some amigos en La Esuelita Limon. We made like the cutest EVERRRRR!!! The kids were SO cute! After making bracelets w/los chicos pocos we went to the futbol field to jugar some futbol.
After we got back we ate lunch and I was like SO hungry like oh my gosh lol rofl!!!!:) PB&J for the win!
Despues de almuerza we went to our home visits. Dean, Tanner, Me, Jennifer C, Hallie, and AJ went to visit Dean sponsor kid. La chica de Dean se llama Andrea and she lives with her abuela during the day while her mother works. Dean's child's face lit up when he gave her the gifts he had for her and she started to cry while he was holding.
We met Tanner's chica (se llama Rosario) at the school in the afternoon. Rosario and Tanner both were smiling from ear to ear as Rosario abrio los regalos de Tanner. The joy was very apparent on both their faces.
Lauren, Todd, Tyler, E-man, Jen H, and Caroline went to visit Lauren's 2 sponsor kids. Se llaman Diana y Sharon. Diana's house was just 1 big room w/5 beds all smashed together for 7 people total to sleep in.
Sharon lives with her parents y su hermano con su abuela in a 2 story house. "She was beautiful....she was so gorgeous," says Lauren.
So basically today was like UBERLY AWESOME and we def made an impact on the kids and they definitely made an impact on us as well.
Manana vamos a reportar mas noticias para sus chicos y chicas en la Carolina Norte.
Nathan Bruce Seaman
Reporting Student Extraordinaire
PS Si no sabes unas palabras que en espanol y eres un gringo aqui es un link de un sitio web que puede traducir para ti.....|es|
Bueno, bueno!
LOL! Nate, you are extradordinaire!
Loved this MOST EXCELLENT update :)
Gracias por nosotros con cuestiona la lanzando en español ~ hace emocionante para nosotros de leer también!!! :) Continuing to think about each of you and thanking God for working in and through you!!!
I think this is very cool what you are all doing! There is nothing more important than helping those in need. This is what God intended for us to do and to see young people so willing to take that step forward, especially in another country is AWESOME! Take care and we can't wait to hear the rest of the stories!
We are very proud of you all!!
God bless
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